About Company President
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Pete grew up in New Jersey and began his career as a musician at the age of 8 playing the accordion. During High
School in Newark, N.J. he took up the Saxophone, Clarinet and Flute participating in the Jazz band, marching band,
orchestra, pep band until graduation.
After a 2 year hitch in the US ARMY stationed in Germany playing 1st chair flute & piccolo along with the 7th
army jazz band and arranging for the concert band, he went on to Montclair University in N.J. to complete his
BA in Music Education. He majored in woodwinds and music ed, but was already active in sales in and outside of
the music industry.
He completed his undergrad and quickly went on to Columbia University in NYC for his MA which was followed by
3 years of HS instrumental music teaching. He made an important decision in 1961 to leave teaching and enter
the business world of music.
Moving rapidly in various sales positions in the NYC area with Leblanc, OLDS & Gibson, he and his family moved
to Illinois to take a VP/GM SALES position with CMI in their Lincolnwood offices. In 1971-72 he was honored
with an appointment to matriculate to Harvard Business School to obtain his MBA.
During the following decades, Mr. LaPlaca either owned, managed or sold for some of the most notable companies
in the music industry and recently sold his interests in The LA SAX Company which he founded in 1985.
The Barrington, Illinois area has been his home for almost 35 years with various new business launched from his
nearby offices. He has been honored by President Bill Clinton in the oval office, University of S. Dakota,
Lionel Hampton School of Music at University of Idaho, Dale Carnegie, ABC radio affiliate in Chicago, Mid
West Entrepreneur association and other notable business and educational organizations.
Peter LaPlaca has the expertise, knowledge and passion to provide any music industry company with a decided
advantage when they link up and merge their mutual interests.